2010 m. lapkričio 29 d., pirmadienis

The End of the ESP Course Self- Assessment

Learning psychology in English class is a very interesting process. I have practiced my skills in talking, writing and listening. Although learning psychology in English class is interesting, it is not easy work because in English class we have had lots of different tasks and activities to perform.
Firstly, in the class we have been writing online exercises. Online exercises are very interesting and useful activities. When we do online exercises, we could check our knowledge in English psychology; we could choose the correct answer or write the correct word while filling in blanks. Online exercises have also been hard work, because when we should choose the correct answer or write the correct word, it is not easy to understand which answer or word is necessary there. My performance in doing online exercise has not been excellent. In the class we have also written ESP vocabulary tests. ESP vocabulary tests are more difficult than easy to me, because to write the correct definition of psychological concepts when just one word is taken is not easy. Sometimes it is difficult to understand and explain definitions in your own words. However, my performance has not been bad. To sum up, I think that ESP definition test is a very good exercise to check how you understand English definitions, and how you can explain them in your own words. It shows your real understanding of English psychology.
Online exercises and ESP definition tests have been written in class, while at home we have been writing summaries, moodle tests and posts in blogger. Writing summaries is the most difficult work to me, because it is really difficult not to use such words as “we” or “you”. Besides, I also find it difficult to summarize a text, when copying sentences from a text cannot be done. However, when the text is not complicated and when it is easier to understand what is written there, it is also easier to summarize it. We could use dictionaries at home to write summary, because when I do not know how to say something I could check it in the dictionary. Despite the difficulty in writing summary, my performance has not been bad. What is more, I cannot say that writing moodle tests is easy. Of course, it is easier to write moodle tests at home that writing online exercises in class. When we have to write moodle tests at home, we have no limit in time to write it, we can also check our answers in the module. Although, we have had modules on which bases we should write moodle tests, sometimes it is not very easy to find the correct answer. However, there is one big plus that we can know our performance without waiting. My performance in this activity has been rather good. Writing new post in blogger is a very interesting activity, because we can choose a picture, or a view how the post in blogger should look like. It is very interesting to me to write new posts in my blogger.
Another practice in English class has been listening. In class we have online listening and traditional listening to cassettes. Online listening is very interesting to me, because I could check my listening skills. This type of listening is interesting because this activity is new and I have done it well. Although this activity is interesting, sometimes it is difficult to understand what the speaker is talking about because they are speaking very fast. Traditional listening to cassettes is also very interesting and probably easier to me because the speaker is talking not so fast as in online listening. Online listening and traditional listening to cassettes have helped me to practice my listening skills. In this exercises my performance has not been excellent, but I think that now it is better comparing with the first time.
Talking about work in class, during English classes I could also practice my speaking skills. I could practice speaking skills by speaking impromptu and doing short talks, which are ready made. I think that speaking impromptu is very good for vocabulary check and for learning to talk without practicing. Shorts talks, which we could practice at home, are also good to practice speaking skills. Speeches, which are made at home, are good for searching new information about certain topics and for pronunciation, which we could check in the vocabulary. I think that my performance in speaking skills is better when I practice my speech at home. For me, speaking impromptu is very useful to check how good my vocabulary in English is because more than usually in our life we have to talk without practicing and no time is given for preparation.
There is one task which we always should do at home. It is a power point presentation. Making a power point presentation is useful not only for speaking, but also for writing and listening. When I do my own power point presentations, I check my writing; I practice my speech and pronunciation. This presentation is also useful for a listener because they can practice their listening skills. Making a presentation is interesting because you can choose what you would like to talk about, and what points you want to mention in the presentation. It is also possible to choose the way your presentation should look like. My performance in making power point presentations is not bad, but sometimes it’s difficult to do it without making mistakes.
All in all, I think that all activities which we practice during English classes at Mykolas Romeris University are useful for our English language learning. All the activities mentioned above help me to understand how good I am at English and which sphere should be practiced more.

2010 m. lapkričio 6 d., šeštadienis

Disorder and behaviour

Behaviour disorders are sometimes referred to as disruptive behaviour disorders. Disruptive behaviour disorders are the ones with the major feature of disruptive behaviour. Therefore this is a disorder, which affects behaviour and emotional well-being. There are several types of disordered behaviour. Achenbach suggests two discrete types called "externalizers" (aggressive, disruptive, acting out) and "internalizers" (withdrawn, anxious, depressed). Quay identifies the following dimensions: conduct disorders (aggression, disobedience, irritability); personality disorders (withdrawal, anxiety, physical complaints; immaturity (passivity, poor coping, preference for younger playmates); and socialized delinquency (involvement in gang subcultures). There are many types of behaviour disorders that require clinical care by a physician or other healthcare professionals. As an example these are attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), conduct disorder, disruptive behaviour disorder NOS and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD).
The most common behaviour disorder for children is attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This disorder focuses on the mental health problems identified and created by more disruptive behaviours. ADHD may affect certain areas of the brain that allow problem solving, planning ahead, understanding actions of others’, and impulse control. in the USA, over 25 million dollars are spent annually in prescriptions of stimulant drugs.
Another types of common behaviour disorder is conduct disorder. Conduct disorder is a behavioural and emotional disorder in childhood and adolescence. Children with conduct disorder act inappropriately, infringe on the rights of others, and violate the behaviour expectations of others. Conduct disorder is the most serious psychiatric disorder in childhood and adolescence.
Like learning disabilities, behaviour disorders are hard to diagnose. There are no physical symptoms or discrepancies in the body that are observable or measurable. Behaviour disorders are therefore identified by observing behaviour patterns of the person over a period of time.
To sum up, there are many types of disorders, which affect human behaviour especially children, but not all symptoms of disorder are measurable. Although some behaviour disorders emerge from traumatic life experiences or brain injury, psychologists should help the person to resolve and heal emotionally from the experience.



2010 m. rugsėjo 22 d., trečiadienis

Psychology of handwriting

Graphology is the study and analysis of handwriting especially in relation to human psychology. From my reading of graphological literature, one concept emerges as essential to understand the general assumption. This concept may be listed as - handwriting as a form of emotional or dramatic expression. A general presupposition of graphology is that all movements have dramatic nuance and mirror temperamental tendencies. Writing is described as an expressive movement both with gestures and the emotional attitude. There is an example of our scheme written by George Bernard Shaw - speed of writing, mechanical premises, historical determination, emphasis of pressure, expansion and spacing.

Talking about space and symbolic direction on the sheet, there are four symbolic directions where we can write - high, low, right and left. High is related to ideal, to imagination, and in a wider way, to infinity. Low is the symbol of the ground which, on the contrary, is something concrete, reliable, touchable, and in this way it represents the matter, the common sense, and in a wider way, so the unconsciousness and the instinct. Left is the area related to the past, the mother who gave us birth, our origin, Right, on the contrary, stands for others, the future.

Symbolic directions on the sheet where we can write are important in psychology, while basic graphic signs are important in analysis of handwriting. There are several basic graphic signs. A ‘descending’ handwriting shows a tendency to suffer environmental pressure, to accept others’ requests, not to take initiative. An ‘adherent’ handwriting shows the availability to cooperate with the environment, to be realistic, but not too enterprising, lacking in initiative. An ‘ascending’ handwriting shows initiative, aggressiveness, ambition, optimism, a push to get oneself better and to change reality in a positive way. If it is too ascending, it indicates a detachment from reality, shifting into intrusiveness and nerve.

In conclusion, graphology or psychology of handwriting has been developing until nowadays and it has many oppositions, which are still very difficult to be proved as truths.



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