2010 m. lapkričio 6 d., šeštadienis

Disorder and behaviour

Behaviour disorders are sometimes referred to as disruptive behaviour disorders. Disruptive behaviour disorders are the ones with the major feature of disruptive behaviour. Therefore this is a disorder, which affects behaviour and emotional well-being. There are several types of disordered behaviour. Achenbach suggests two discrete types called "externalizers" (aggressive, disruptive, acting out) and "internalizers" (withdrawn, anxious, depressed). Quay identifies the following dimensions: conduct disorders (aggression, disobedience, irritability); personality disorders (withdrawal, anxiety, physical complaints; immaturity (passivity, poor coping, preference for younger playmates); and socialized delinquency (involvement in gang subcultures). There are many types of behaviour disorders that require clinical care by a physician or other healthcare professionals. As an example these are attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), conduct disorder, disruptive behaviour disorder NOS and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD).
The most common behaviour disorder for children is attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This disorder focuses on the mental health problems identified and created by more disruptive behaviours. ADHD may affect certain areas of the brain that allow problem solving, planning ahead, understanding actions of others’, and impulse control. in the USA, over 25 million dollars are spent annually in prescriptions of stimulant drugs.
Another types of common behaviour disorder is conduct disorder. Conduct disorder is a behavioural and emotional disorder in childhood and adolescence. Children with conduct disorder act inappropriately, infringe on the rights of others, and violate the behaviour expectations of others. Conduct disorder is the most serious psychiatric disorder in childhood and adolescence.
Like learning disabilities, behaviour disorders are hard to diagnose. There are no physical symptoms or discrepancies in the body that are observable or measurable. Behaviour disorders are therefore identified by observing behaviour patterns of the person over a period of time.
To sum up, there are many types of disorders, which affect human behaviour especially children, but not all symptoms of disorder are measurable. Although some behaviour disorders emerge from traumatic life experiences or brain injury, psychologists should help the person to resolve and heal emotionally from the experience.



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